Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday fish

Not really. We eat fish whenever we feel like it. Meaning, actually, when the stores on Stockton street have something so fresh it snaps its way out of the tub. You must buy fish alive, else it is that cardboard supermarket fish which has not been near water in a decade.
And fresh fish tastes much better.

Poached Fish, family style

One fish large enough for as many people as are eating.
A pot of water much larger than the fish.
Soy sauce.
Hsiao Shing rice wine.
Green onions.
Fragrant vinegar.

Kill and clean the fish (scrape the scales off, and gut and rinse him). make a few hacks into each side to let heat penetrate.
Bring the pot of water to a boil. Dump the fish into it, jamming the lid on and turning off the heat. Let it sit for five minutes for a small fish, ten for a large one, or something in between for a fish that is in between. Maybe a few seconds longer than that. The heat of thw ater will gently cook the fish, especially if it is a fish with white flesh.

Pour a cup of soy sauce into a sauce pan, add some rice wine and a little vinegar. Heat to a boil. Put in chopped green onions and ginger, plus sugar. Cook a little longer, then pour over the fish - which you've put on a plate by now.

Serve. With rice.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

Pour a cup of soy sauce into a sauce pan, add some rice wine and a little vinegar. Heat to a boil. Put in chopped green onions and ginger, plus sugar.

Probably you should also add some clarified fat (chicken or pork) to this, as the fish itself will probably not have an excess of grease.
Olive oil will also work - and is easier on the digestion than either of the parenthesized substances.