Friday, August 28, 2009

The eyes, they follow you around the room!

School started this week and already I'm exhausted. As I get older I realize that I have less in common with others, despite superficial similarities, and of course appearances. Heck, the appearances are perhaps the least noticeable things, because so many of us look alike.

And ninety nine point oomph percent of us wear glasses. It is our most prominent facial feature. Some of us pop out of the womb already wearing them (labor takes a bit longer in that case).

There's something at once comforting and threatening, disturbing, about seeing an entire class filled with featureless glinting eyes, that all look in the same direction. Windows on little pan faces.


No wonder half of the teachers are nuts.


Telmac said...

(='.'=) @__@

join Richard and Co as they travel the world staring at everyone.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Like a bunch of little Bengalis.

All gleaming intellectual like.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

There is a fat drit over there with glasses, but he is not Chinese.

---Peter Shortemper

Anonymous said...
